故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁15 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁53&*高峰巍峨聳立,山腳林霏繚繞,幾家村屋微露其簷,岸邊漁人攀網捕魚。全幅用筆工整,以水墨為主,山石用直皴,染多於筆。配合淡彩的運用,濃淡有致,得深遠之妙。 畫上原籤題作荊浩(活動於西元十世紀)。此幅不見前人著錄,有研究者認為,以畫法論,或為宋元之際繼承李(成)、郭(熙)一派畫風者所繪。 &*Tall peaks stand majestically and at the foot of the mountain is a forest in rainy vapors. The rooftops of the village huts protrude slightly from the mist. This work depicts the corner of a riverbank as fishermen rendered in neat brushwork prepare their gear and draw in nets. The rocks and mountain forms are rendered with straight texture strokes, and the ink was spread mostly by brush. The work is rendered chiefly in dark ink that complements the light colors. The original title of this work attributes it to Ching Hao, but it is not recorded in previous catalogues. Some scholars believe the style indicates it was done by a painter of the Li (Ch'eng)/Kuo (Hsi) tradition around the latter half of the 13th century.