石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2402&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁570&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁349-350&* 唐岱(西元一六七三-一七五二年尚在),滿州人。字毓東,號靜巖,又號知生、默莊。畫山水師法王原祁,官內務府總管,以畫祇候內廷,康熙賜「畫狀元」。 本幅畫幽巖架屋,秋色滿林,石磴盤空,泉流縈抱。用筆細緻,山石多用乾筆,帶皴帶擦,特重山勢向背。款署:「康熙六十二年(一七二0)二月靜巖唐岱」,故知此畫乃其四十八歲之作。 &*Returning to the Hermitage T’ang Tai (1637-after 1752) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai was a native Manchurian. He served as a court painter, modeling his landscapes after the style of Wang Yüan-ch’i. During the K’ang-hsi reign (1662-1722) he was awarded the hua chuang-yüan, distinction for his achievements as a painter. Buildings nestle in secluded valleys and autumn colors fill the woods. Stone steps lead up mountain sides bounded by winding streams. The brush was applied delicately. Rocks and mountain faces are described with dry brushstrokes that impart varying textures. The artist particularly paid attention to the movements of the mountains’ configural forces. This painting is dated 1720,when the artist was forty-seven years old.