石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2223&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁550&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁17-18&* 楊晉(西元一六四四至一七二八),江蘇常熟縣人。字子鶴,號西亭,晚年自號鶴道人。王翬的學生,山水畫很清秀,晚年作品比較草率。牛,畫得很好。王翬畫中的人物、車、轎、駝、馬、牛、羊等,聽說都是他代畫的。 楊晉畫郊野放牧一般的農村景物,在當時是很有名氣的。這張畫是他八十一歲時所完成,不像早年的工整。筆法,墨法,和渲染的方,甚至款書的寫法,都很像他的老師王翬。 &* This painting depicts a rural scene in spring. The brushwork, washes, and even the style of the signature closely follow that of Yang Chin’s teacher Wang Hui. The work was completed when the artist was eighty-one years old; it differs in style from his earlier, more carefully executed works. Yang Chin was a native of Ch’ang-shou. His style-name was Tzu-ho; his sobriquets were His-t’ing and Ho-tao-jen. An apt pupil of Wang Hui, Yang Chin’s produced landscapes that were pure and refined; his later landscapes were executed with a freer brush. He is noted for his paintings of oxen. It is said that all the figures, carriages, palanguins, camels, horses, cattle, and sheep in Wang Hui’s paintings were executed for him by Yang Chin.