石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2209&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁537&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁241-242&*吳歷,(西元一六三二-一七一八年),江蘇常熟人。字漁山,號墨井道人。工繪事,壯年受業於王時敏、王鑑,其畫出入宋元,名埒其師,世稱四王吳惲。 吳墨井畫,好作重巒疊嶂,而氣勢厚重沉鬱。此幅畫奇峰聳秀,曲徑通幽,蒼松盤屈,石泉迸流,梅林樓宇掩映於白雲之中,益增秀妍。山石染而不皴,畫雲則鈎勒填粉,自題擬趙吳興法。 &* Wu Li was a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu province. His home was next door to the Jesuit missionaries centre in Kiangsu and he early came under their influence. In 1681 he went to Macao, where he was ordained seven years later. He returned to Kiangsu and worked there as a priest for the rest of his life. His Jesuit name was Simon A Cunha. He loved to paint many-tiered masses of mountains, their great forms solid and solemn. This work shows strange peaks rising abruptly upwards. Paths wind deep between them, past anciently twisted pines and rocky streams. Pavilion roofs and plum orchards emerge and vanish in the clouds. It is an elegant scene. The mountains and rocks are colored without the use of texture strokes. The clouds are outlined and then filled in with powdery white. According to Wu Li’s inscription, the work is in the style of the 14th-century artist Chao Meng-fu.