石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1161&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁536&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁231-232&* 禹之鼎,生於世祖順治四年(公元一六四七年),死年不詳,康熙四十八(公元一七0九)年尚在世。江蘇江都人,字上吉,號慎齋。康熙間以供奉任職內廷畫院。擅長畫故實人物,而白描和寫真人物,尤其享名當代,山水畫偶然為之,也頗堪觀賞。 如此幅模倣元王蒙筆意山水,為他五十九歲時作品,用筆用墨都能運腕虛靈,信手以出,所以筆致蓬鬆活潑,墨色蘊藉秀潤,深淺隱現中,山石肌理饒有自然生動光景。 &* Yü Chih-t’ing was born in 1647 and was still alive in 1709. He was a native of Chiang-tu in Kiangsu. His style name was Shang-chi, his sobriquet Shen-chai. During the K’ang-hsi period (1622-1723) he serves in the Imperial Painting Academy. Excelled at painting historical figures, figures done in outline drawing, and portraits, he especially enjoyed fame in his own period. He did landscape paintings only occasionally, but they are quite pleasant. This painting, a landscape in the style of Yüan painter Wang Meng, was painted when he was 59 years old. In the use of the brush and ink he moved his wrist freely, as a result, his brushwork is easy and lively, and the tonal values of his ink are cultivated and refined, luxuriant and rich. In his representation of depth and shadows, mountains and rocks, the forms all show an abundance of natural movement.