石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1133&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁451-452&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁123-124&* 侯懋功(生卒年不詳),嘉靖、萬曆(西元一五二二至一六二○年)年間吳縣(江蘇蘇州)人。字延賞,號夷門。山水師錢穀,受法於文徵明,後宗黃公望、王蒙,入元人之格,為世所珍。 本幅畫溪澗岡巒,山徑、棧道蜿蜒,上通村舍。幅上董其昌題云:「侯山人夷門畫有元季名家風致,此其合作者」。指此不但為侯氏佳作,且有黃公望、王蒙之遺意。若就其構圖與山石樹木之造型、用筆觀之,仍顯見文徵明之影響。 &* Very little is known about Hou Mou-Kung. He was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow); his birth and death dates are unknown. His style name was yen-shang and his sobriquet was I-men. He studied landscape painting from Ch’ien Ku (1508-1578) and was in turn influenced by Ch’ien’s teacher Wen Cheng-ming. He later turned to the styles of Huang Kung-wang and Wang Meng. His work reflects the character of these two Yuan masters. This painting depicts a stream among peaks and ridges and villagers travelling along the cliff-side roads. An inscription by Tung Ch’i-ch’ang states: “In the painting Hou Shan-jen I-men has the manner of the Yuan masters, and this is truly one of his masterpieces.” Although this work is reminiscent of Wang Meng and Huang Kung-wang, the composition and the shapes of the mountains and trees, as well as the brushwork show the influence of Wen Cheng-ming.