故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁294&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁101-102&*1.〈明戴進渭濱垂釣圖〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁168。 2.晉介塵,〈「戴進作品展」導讀 — 戴進渭濱垂釣〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第209期(2000年8月),頁76-84。 3.廖堯震,〈我不在宮廷,就在跑路〉,《典藏古美術》,第216期(2010年9月),頁138-141。 &*此圖繪周文王渭濱訪賢的故事,太公望隱居垂釣於渭水之濱,文王前往拜訪,邀他入朝輔政,太公予以婉拒。畫上見柳塘河堤,侍騎五人,文王與釣者互揖。 此圖折衷了宋末帶有流動空間的對角線畫面,以及一種新的趨勢,將焦點放置在畫面中央,其餘部分則環著焦點錯置,以綿密甚至是緊湊的方式鋪排至畫緣。用筆健勁,皴染有立體感,樹石、人物都具戴進的作風。&*This work shows King Wen of Chou paying a visit to the sage T’ai-kung on the banks of the Wei River, where T’ai-kung fished in reclusion. The two meet in mutual respect. The king invites the hermit sage to assist in government, but he politely refuses. Five figures stand to the right below the tall willows. The arrangement in this work derives from the diagonal composition of late Sung painting to suggest depth, but takes a new twist by placing the focus in the middle. The motifs surround the focus to create a scene that is dominated more by their density than open space. The brushwork is quite forceful and the texture strokes and washes have a volumetric effect. The trees, rocks, and figures are all in the style associated with Tai Chin. &* 此圖繪周文王渭濱訪賢的故事,太公望隱居垂釣於渭水之濱,文王前往拜訪,邀他入朝輔政,太公予以婉拒。畫上見柳塘河堤,侍騎五人,文王與釣者互揖。 此圖折衷了宋末帶有流動空間的對角線畫面,以及一種新的趨勢,將焦點放置在畫面中央,其餘部分則環著焦點錯置,以綿密甚至是緊湊的方式鋪排至畫緣。用筆健勁,皴染有立體感,樹石、人物都具戴進的作風。 &* This work shows King Wen of the Chou dynasty paying a visit to the sage T'ai-kung on the banks of the Wei River, where T'ai-kung fished in reclusion. The two are shown meeting in mutual respect. The king is inviting the hermit-sage to assist him in government, but he politely refuses. Five figures stand to the right below the tall willows. The arrangement in this work derives from the diagonal composition of late Sung painting to suggest depth, but the painter has given it a new twist by placing the focus in the middle. The motifs surround the focus to create a scene dominated more by their density than open space. The brushwork is quite forceful and the texture strokes and washes have a volumetric effect. The trees, rocks, and figures are all in the style associated with Tai Chin.