故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁1-4&石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁457-459&故宮歷代法書全集,第九冊,頁3-7、148-150&晉唐法書名蹟,頁14-25&王羲之(西元303~361,一作321~379,又作307-365),字逸少,原籍山東臨沂,官拜右軍將軍,會稽內史。精於章草、隸、八分、飛白、真、行諸體,亦能繪事,後世更尊為書聖。 本幅為唐代鈎摹善本,雙鈎精細,淡墨填廓,能得原蹟生動活潑之筆意,觚稜轉折,備見鋒芒。&Wang Hsi-chih (style name I-shao) was a member of the aristocratic Wang clan that moved south from Lin-i, Shantung province, following the fall of the Eastern Chin. He was skilled in almost all of the calligraphic script types, and he was already highly regarded in his own time. He was so influential that later generations elevated him to the supreme position as the "Sage of Calligraphy." This particular work is a rare T'ang dynasty (618-907) tracing copy. The outlines of the individual characters were done with great refinement and then filled with ink. The exceptional quality of this copy provides insight into the lively brushwork of Wang's original. At the twists and turns, even the tip of the brush can be discerned.