石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1814&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁99&*祝允明(西元一四六0-一五二六年),字希哲,號枝山、枝指生。江蘇蘇州人。五歲能寫徑尺大字,擅長楷、行、草書,有「無所不學,無所不詣」之稱譽,晚年尤以狂草最引人注意。 允明能作數家體,用筆結字富於變化。此卷空間佈列疏密有致,筆勢的抑揚頓挫,與運筆的輕重緩急,都蘊含著豐富變化。用筆凝練有致,結體端正穩妥,可為楷書學習之範本。(20091015) &* Zhu Yunming (style name Xizhe; sobriquets Zhishan, Zhizhisheng) was native to Suzhou, Jiang-su. At the age of 5 he reportedly could write large characters, and he came to specialize in standard, running, and cursive script. Known for “learning from everyone and gifted in all,” his later wild cursive attracted particular attention. Zhu could work in several styles, his brushwork and characters being quite varied. The spacing in this scroll varies in density, the brush force modulating and the brush movement changing from light to heavy and slow to hurried, revealing many differences. The brushwork is also quite focused, with the characters upright and steady, making this a model for the study of standard script.(20091015)