石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁608&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 周臣(約西元一四五○-一五三五年),江蘇蘇洲人。字舜卿,號東邨、鵝場散人。善畫山水人物,人物師陳暹,間習宋人畫法,得力於劉松年、李唐、馬遠、夏圭者至鉅。傳嘗授法於唐寅、仇英。 本幅繪一文士立於山間林下,回首觀望湍泉,松風輕爽,衣衫隨之飄動;童僕正攜琴前來。用筆純熟謹細,風骨峭勁雅健。本幅選自明人畫扇冊第五幅。 &*Landscape Fan Chou Ch’en (ca. 1450-1535) Ming Dynasty Chou Ch’en was a native of Soochow who excelled at painting landscape and figures, which are based in part on his study of the styles of Southern Sung (1127-1279) court painters. He was the teacher of such famous painters as T’ang Yin and Ch’iu Ying. In this painting is a scholar standing under trees in the mountains looking back towards a waterfall. The pine breeze is refreshing as it blows through his sleeves. An attendant carrying a lute approaches. The brushwork is dense and refined, and the style is firm yet elegant. This is the fifth leaf from the album Paintings on Fans by Ming Artists (Ming-jen hua-shan chi-ts’e).