石渠寶笈三編(春澤齋),第八冊,頁4077&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁266&*王振鵬,字朋梅,永嘉(今浙江溫州)人,生卒年不詳。界畫極工緻,仁宗眷愛之,賜號孤雲處士。運筆和墨,毫分縷析,左右高下,俯仰曲折,方圓平直,曲盡其體,而神氣飛動。 錢塘為著名的觀潮水之地,當八月潮水湧入時,浪花千捲,排山倒海而來之勢為一奇景。後人築亭於此以便觀潮。王振鵬以細緻的手筆來描寫亭台樓閣,設色鮮明,畫中一人由書僮陪伴,立於亭中觀看滾滾而來的潮水。整幅畫給人生動細緻的感覺,為一難得的冊頁。&*Wang Chen-p'eng's style name was P'eng-mei, and he came from Yung-chia (Wen-chou), Chekiang. His birth and death dates are unknown. Emperor Jen-tsung (r. 1312-1321) appreciated his fine and detailed chieh-hua (ruled line) paintings, and gave him the sobriquet Ku-yun ch'u-shih. In his use of brush and ink, Wang Chen-p'eng was able to analyze in detail spatial relationships and the myriad curved and straight elements of architecture, at the same time creating an effect of vitality and energy. During the lunar eighth month, the incoming waves at the mouth of the Ch’ien-t'ang River at Hai-ning are particularly spectacular. The crests and spray of the tide create a view not unlike countless ranges of mountains. Wang Chen-p'eng uses a fine linear style to describe one of the many pavilions built to view the tidal bore. Within the brightly painted pavilion, a gentleman is viewing the scenery while an attendant waits behind him. Every element is rendered in a refined and lively manner.