故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁115&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁321-322&* 關槐(十八世紀)字晉卿,號雲巖,晚號青城山人,仁和(今杭州)人。乾隆間供奉內廷,寵眷特懋。畫山水入宋、元之室,品詣在奚岡、屠倬之間。雖得董誥指授,其畫境之蒼潤恬靜,實有過之。 黃鶴樓位於湖北武昌縣西,漢陽門內黃鶴山上,樓高踞山巔,東矚蛇山,西瞰大江,極富江山之勝。此樓始建於孫吳,然代見整修增益。「寰宇記」有云:「昔費文禕登仙,每乘黃鶴於此樓憇駕,故名。」關槐此幅繪城郭臨岸,江帆交織,波光粼粼,誠武漢之寫生景也。 &* Kuan Huai(18th cent.) , whose style name was Chin-ch’ing and sobriquets Yün-yen and Ch’ing-ch’eng shan-jen, was a native of Hangchow in Chekiang province. During the reign of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (1736-1796), he served in the Inner Court, where he was highly regarded. In landscape he became thoroughly familiar with the masters of the Sung and Yüan dynasties; his achievement falls between that of the painters Hsi Kang and T’u Cho. Although Kuan Huai studied with Tung Kao, the maturity and richness of his brushwork, quiet and restful in character, surpassed that of his teacher. The Yellow Crane Tower is located in the western part of Wuchang county, Hupei province. On Yellow Crane Mountain, within the Han-yang Gate, the tower commands a view of Snake Mountain to the east and the Yangtze River to the west. Built in the Three Kingdoms period (222-277), the tower was later repaired and remodeled. In this painting, Kuan Huai described the city walls along the shore, sails interspersed on the river, and the light glistening off the waves, typical scenery of the Wuchang-Hankow area.