石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁513&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁211&*徐熙(十世紀初),江西鍾陵人。所作寒蘆、荒草、水鳥、野鳧,能捕捉住江邊水鳥富於野趣的自然景致。作畫經常先用墨染,然後略加顏色,人稱為「沒骨法」。 雪白綻放的梔子花與翠綠的葉子相互烘托,麻雀佇立於枝上,想要捕食被花香引來的胡蜂。蜂發音與「封」相同,雀又與「爵」相彷彿,透過諧音「封爵」來表示祝賀之意,是一件寓意吉祥的宮廷畫。 本幅選自「宋元集繪」冊第五開。 &*Hsü Hsi, native to Kiangsi Province, did works of wintry reeds, withered grasses, waterfowl, and wild ducks. He was able to capture the natural wonders and rich wildlife of waterfowl.In "boneless"("without outline")painting, colors were usually added to washes of ink to suggest forms. Here, snow-white blossoms of cape jasmine burst forth, set off from verdant leaves. A sparrow, perched on a branch, is intent on a bee attracted by the scent of the blossoms. The word for bee in Chinese is a homonym for "noble" and that for sparrow is similar to "rank". Together, they suggest the phrase "ennoble with rank". Such auspicious works of blessing often appear at court. This is the 5th leaf from "Collected Sung and Yüan Paintings".