故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁184-185&*本幅描繪一將領作揖行禮,向松下隱士求教。畫人物、松石之風格,近似宋李唐一派,舊傳為閻立德之作。 閻立德(?–西元六五六年),雍州萬年(今西安)人。其父為隋代殿內少監,立德能傳家學,凡宮殿、城池、陵寢,皆為營建。歷將作大匠,遷工部尚書,進封為公。善繪人物故實,與其弟立本,人稱二閻,同享譽於初唐之畫壇。 本幅為「名繪集珍」冊第一開。 &*Depicted in this album leaf is a general bowing before a hermit under a pine tree and asking to receive teaching in the Way. The style of rendering the figures, pine, and rocks is close to that of Li T'ang (ca. 1050-after 1130), but the painting is traditionally attributed to Yen Li-te. Yen Li-te was a native of Wan-nien, Yung-chou (modern Hsi-an). His father served as Vice Director of Palace Administration in the Sui dynasty (589-607). Yen Li-te carried on the family tradition of scholarship as he was the imperial architect for all the imperial halls, ponds, and tombs. His positions included Head of the Directorate for the Palace Buildings and President of the Board of Works and he was also enfoeffed as a duke. Yen Li-te excelled at figure and narrative painting. He and his younger brother, Yen Li-pen, were called the "Two Yens" and received equal praise in the early T'ang field of painting.