石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2215&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁96&*Wang Yüan-ch'i, a native of T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu, served up to the post of Vice-minister of Revenue. Devoted to the Orthodox School of literati painting, he was also the founder of the Lou-tung School. This work follows the landscape style of the Yüan master Ni Tsan. Wang did this attending to the K'ang-hsi Emperor at the Hsün-ch'un Garden, completing it in 1708 when he was 66. The Yüan compositional formula fuses with the ideas of the Ming artist-theorist Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, simplifying the direction of the brush but also giving the ink a sense of toughness. On this work is the Ch'ien-lung Emperor's copy of Wang Hsi-chih's cursive script and inscriptions by officials below, suggesting Ch'ien-lung's admiration for Wang's painting.&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁309-310&*1.江兆申,〈清王原祁山水高宗御題〉,收入胡賽蘭編,《清王原祁畫山水畫軸特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1997年初版),頁127-128。