石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2191 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁93&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁157-158&* 王翬(西元一六三二至一七一七年),字石谷,號耕煙散人、烏目山人、清暉主人、劍門樵客,江蘇常熟人。自幼善畫,得王時敏、王鑑傳授,又偕同參觀各地收藏,藉機臨習揣摹前人畫法,故能筆參古今,貌合南北。 山館數楹,修竹環繞,樹外煙障溟濛,雨意正酣。畫有康熙丙戌(一七0六)年款,當時王翬已七十五歲,畫技精熟,無贅筆。 &* Wang Hui, style name Shih-ku, sobriquets Keng-yen san-jen, Wu-mu shan-jen, and Ch’ing-hui chu-jen, was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. He was already a capable painter when he began to study with Wang Shih-min and Wang Chien, the two leading orthodox painters of the early Ch’ing. They took him to see many important collections, and as a result, Wang Hui was able to absorb both ancient and contemporary styles and to fuse elements from the Northern and Southern schools. Slender bamboo surrounds a mountain dwelling with numerous pillars. The area beyond the trees is filled with hazy mist, and the entire composition seems to overflow with the spirit of a rainy day. The painting is dated 1706, indicating that it was completed when the artist was already seventy-four years old. This painting was skillfully rendered in a refined and mature style without any superfluous brushwork.