石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁663&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁89&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁193-194&* 陳嘉言(西元一五三九年生,卒年不詳),字孔彰,浙江嘉興人。善寫花鳥。畫筆鬆秀,頗臻妙境。 端陽節又稱天中節,為陰曆五月初五日,正當夏季,百合、鶯粟俱於此時開花,故以之為代表。通幅用寫意之筆,於宣紙上點畫花石。若飽含水分,則有景色相融之暈散意味;若用乾筆迅速鉤寫,則具飛白之效。雖看似草草,實生動而有野趣。 &* Ch’en Chia-yen, style name K’ung-chang, was a native of Chia-hsing, Chekiang. He specialized in paintings of flowers and birds. His brushwork was simultaneously elegant and relaxed. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Lilies and poppies blossom at this time, and have thus become associated with the holiday. This painting was rendered using the hsieh-i, or free brush method. The painter used dots to depict the flowers and rocks. Where the artist used a lot of water, the colors dissipate outward; where he used dry, rapid strokes, the brushwork resembles the “flying white” style of calligraphy. Although this painting gives the appearance of carelessness, the artist succeeded in conveying a sense of wildness and movement.