石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2503-2509 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁164-171 &* Wu Ju (style name Jufu, sobriquet Yunhe) was a native of Kaifeng and the nephew of Gaozong’s Empress Wu. He was born sometime in the period between 1145 and 1150 and died between 1202 and 1207. Wu mentions in the contents of this letter that he was leaving the seals, tallies, and documents of office to a superior because he was taking “a grant for leave of absence on account of urgent difficulties.” This letter reveals a glimpse into the system of seals and tallies along with its relationship to the leave of absence among officials in the Southern Song. In terms of calligraphy, Wu Ju unquestionably followed and synthesized the style of Mi Fu. Although this work was done in small characters using semi-cursive script, many variations to the flicking brushwork can be seen. The character structure is slanted with considerable force, but much leaping movement to the stops and starts of the strokes is also evident. The style is thus steady yet striking, both deriving from Mi Fu’s manner.(20101015)&*吳琚,字居父,號雲壑,開封人,高宗吳皇后之姪。生年約在西元1145-1150年間,卒年在西元1202-1207年間。 信札中內容可知,吳琚因故需離職,將「牌印牒以次官權管」,用「急難給假」離開任所,反應南宋「牌、印」制與有關官吏給假的情況,書法上,吳琚無疑是米芾承繼與集大成者,此札雖以行草小字書之,可見其挑踢多變的筆法,結字雖方然體勢欹側,筆畫之提頓躍動感十足,書風沉著痛快,皆源自米芾。(20101015)&*1.侯怡利,〈尺牘〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁354-355。