秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁247&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁76&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁155-156&*本幅所畫南極仙翁是民間祈求福壽的對象,俗稱壽星老人。《明史》曾載宣宗親畫《壽星圖》賜戶部尚書夏原吉(一三六六-一四三0)之事,目前已知明宣宗名下的壽星圖有兩件,除本院所藏《明宣宗畫壽星 軸》以外,北京故宮也藏有一件《明宣宗畫壽星圖卷》。 畫中主題同樣是高頭隆額,大耳短軀的壽星老人,但人物造型與構圖安排均不相同,從用筆、畫技、字跡等方面推斷,並非出自一人之手。 (20120407)&* This work depicts the Immortal Elder of the Southern Polar Star, to whom people pray for happiness and longevity (and also known as the God of Immortality). Official History of the Ming mentions that Xuanzong once did a painting of “The God of Immortality,” which he presented to Xia Yuanji (1366-1430), Minister of Revenue. Currently two paintings of the God of Immortality appear under Xuanzong’s name. Besides this hanging scroll is a handscroll by the same title in the Palace Museum, Beijing. In both, the God of Immortality has the same tall forehead, large ears, and short torso, but the form and compositional arrangement differ. Judging from the brushwork, painting, and calligraphy, they appear to have come from different hands.(20120407)