故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁75&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁123-124&* 戴進(西元一三八八-一四六二年),浙江錢塘人。字文進,號靜庵,又號玉泉山人。畫山水宗法馬、夏餘意,蔚成明代浙派大家。人物、走獸亦極精妙,人物描法多採蠶頭鼠尾,行筆頓拙有力,惟本幅中之紅衫牧童,筆意簡約,與傳世戴作稍異。水牛殆以乾筆草草刷就,柳樹則墨瀋淋漓,葉點細密,配合著碧草隨風傾偃,益覺沁涼滿紙;牧童手持喜鶴反向而坐,與右行之水牛適成一均衡態勢,凡此俱見畫家營構之巧思。&* Tai Chin developed his landscape painting on the style of Ma-Hsia of the Southern Sung and became the major figure of the Che school in the Ming dynasty. He also excelled in figure painting and the portrayal of animals. In his figure painting he often used the “silkworm head” and “mouse tail” strokes. The brush moves in stutters and stops, full of force The figure in red clothing in this painting is depicted rather sketchily, differing somewhat from Tai Chin’s normal style. The water buffalo is painted rapidly with a dry brush. The willows are painted in rich ink tones. Leaves are dotted in a free and dense manner. Together with the grass waving in the breeze, a cool feeling suffuses the painting. A young cowherd, with a magpie in his hand, sits on the opposite side from the water buffalo moving at the right. The balance they form reveals the compositional skill of the artist.