石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1601&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁75&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁59-60&*王紱(西元一三六二-一四一六年),字孟端,江蘇無錫人。明初以弟子員徵入京為官,因事受累,謫戌山西大同,後返回故里,隱居九龍山。四十二歲荐至南京,供事文淵閣,官至中書舍人。以墨竹名天下,山水師元人,為吳派前驅。此圖墨筆畫深巖邃壑,漁舟三兩泊山麓,樹石簇聚於畫幅中央,以點葉或夾葉別明暗。山石皴染勻整蒼潤,近於吳鎮和王蒙。無名款,畫幅上有王達題跋。王達字達善,無錫人,成祖時與修(洪武實錄),跋於洪武二十九年(一三九六),時王跋在九龍山。&*Wang Fu, whose style name was Meng-tuan, was a native of Wu-hsi in Kiangsu province. At the beginning of the Ming, he was recommended to serve as a court attendant in the capital. Implicated in a scandal, he was banished to Ta-tung in Shansi province. Afterwards he returned to his hometown and settled in Mt. Chiu Lung. At the age of forty-two, he was recommended to serve in the Wen-Yuan Hall, the Imperial Academy where he advanced to the position of Chung-shu-she-jen. He was widely known in his own time for his ink paintings of bamboo. In landscape painting, he based his style on those of the Yuan masters, and can be considered a vanguard of the Wu School. The landscape opens up to a deep vista of mountains behind the cluster of trees and rocks placed in the central part of the painting. Wang Fu used even texture strokes to describe moist surface of mountains and rocks. He succeeded in capturing the spirit of Wang Meng and Ni Tsan. The painting bears no signature of the artist, but there is as inscription added by Wang Fu in 1396.