石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁823-824&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁224-226 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十三冊,頁149-169、195-199&*張雨(西元一二八三-一三五0年),字伯雨,號句曲外史,浙江錢塘人。曾為茅山道士,詩文書畫皆工。 張雨書法先得趙孟頫傳授,再學李邕,他的行書有趙孟頫的婉麗流轉,奇崛放逸處則與同時期的楊維禎書風相通。他六十歲以後浪跡江南,與倪瓚、楊維禎和黃公望等常相過從。本幅為「宋元墨寶」冊之一,字劃清雅,有晉人風神,他的楷書書風和倪瓚接近,有天然古澹之趣。&*Chang Yu was a native of Chekiang. In addition to being a Taoist, he was also gifted at writing, poetry, painting, and calligraphy. Chang's calligraphy initially followed after that of Chao Meng-fu, but later he studied that of Li Yung. His running script has the grace and fluidity of Chao's style, but his individual and untrammeled manner was similar to that of his contemporary, Yang Wei-chen. Traveling throughout Kiangnan after the age of 60, he met Yang and other artists, such as Ni Tsan and Huang Kung-wang. This is a leaf from Calligraphic Treasures of the Sung and Yuan. The strokes are pure and elegant in the syle of Chin calligraphy and his style of standard script was similar to that of Ni Tsan with a natural archaism.