石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1687&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁182&*方從義(活動於西元一三三八-一三八七年),江西貴溪人。字無隅,號方壺。元末,入上清宮為道士,通性命之學,兼習畫山水。山水師二米、高房山。平素所作,大率墨瀋淋漓,渾樸高古見稱。 本幅選自「墨林拔萃冊」第八幅,水墨畫數峰陡峭,煙嵐橫斜,山巒扭轉浮動,宛如群浪翻騰,小舟揚帆,岸樹隨風搖曳,充滿飛動氣勢。全幅筆墨運轉快意,墨法酣暢,率略簡遠。&*Fang Ts'ung-I, a nation of Kiangsi, became a Taoist at the end of the Yüan. Studied in the art of fortune-telling, he also excelled at landscape painting. In landscapes, following the styles of the Two Mi's and Kao K'o-kung. Praised for his noble simplicity, his works appear sketchy and moist, revealing his archaic style. This is the 8th leaf from Album of Masterpieces in Ink. This monochrome ink painting depicts several diagonal peaks girdled by mists that make them appear as if floating and flowing. A small boat with a sail full of wind heads towards the left with considerable speed. The brushwork has also been done with quickness, and the ink is fluid to create a sense of atmospheric distance and sketchiness.