石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1687&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁182&*曹知白(一二七二-一三五五年),華亭(江蘇上海)人。字又玄,號雲西。至元(一三三五-一三四○年)間,為崑山教諭。善畫山水。師法郭熙。 一河兩岸,前景坡石上有松樹數株,枝葉寥落。遠處遙岑,坡勢舒緩。全國墨色雅淡,山石樹木以乾筆皴擦,十分鬆秀。構圖簡單,意境蕭索空靈,為一平淡天真之作。&*Ts'ao Chih-po was a native of shanghai. His style name was Yu-hsüan; his sobriquet was Yün-hsi. During the Chih- yüan era (1335-1340), he was an instructor of Confucian canons at K'un-shan prefecture. He excelled at landscape painting, and followed the style of the Sung master Kuo Hsi. This painting depicts a river scene. On a rocky slope in the foreground stand several pines which have lost most of their needles. Gentle mountain sloped ascend in the far distance. Throughout the scroll, the use of ink is refined and light. The artist used dry, scumbled brushwork for the texture strokes in the mountains, rocks, and trees, for an effect both relaxed and refined. The composition is simple; desolation, mystery, spaciousness compose the mood of this native work.