石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1687&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁182&*戴嶧(約西元八世紀)是戴嵩的弟弟,兄弟皆以畫牛而聞名。嶧特別喜歡描繪水牛飛馳奔走的野態。 「宣和畫譜」著錄,戴嶧畫牛中,有逸牛圖、鬥牛圖、奔牛圖數種。這張畫上,共畫牛兩頭。一頭牛用角觝觸,另一條牛卻旋轉著身子,好像雖敗而欲再迎戰的樣子。也許題名作鬥牛圖比較妥當。圖上有式古堂諸收藏印,是經過卞令之收藏過的。 &*Tai I was the younger brother of Tai Sung; both were famous for their paintings of water-buffalo. Tai I particularly enjoyed representing buffalo in a flying gallop. The Hsüan-ho hua-p'u (catalogue of the imperial collection published in the early 12th century) records several paintings by Tai I, including "Frolicking Water-buffalo", "Fighting Waterbuffalo", and "Running Water-buffalo". The painting on exhibition represents two buffalo: one is charging the other with its horns, while the second flees looking over its shoulder; it seems about to turn for another change. Thus it seems that the proper title of the painting should be "Fighting Water-buffalo." It bears the seals of the Shih-ku-t'ang Studio, indicating that it was in the collection of Pien Yung-yü during the 17th century.