石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁710 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁221 &*范成大,字至能,自號石湖居士,南宋著名詩人。書法上,與于湖居士張孝祥,並稱二湖,兩人「悉習寶晉,而各自變體」,為南宋中期最重要書法家。 本幅花箋上印有獅子戲球圖樣,乃范成大於紹熙元年(1190)寫予友人龔字養正,札中可見其書畫交游。由於當時為袁說友等作〈姑蘇同年會詩序〉,憶起早逝的同年進士張孝祥。札中為「闊匾來者」所苦,反應當時江湖詩人干謁權貴,獲取錢財以謀生的風氣相當盛行。(20101015)&* Fan Chengda (style name Zhineng, self-styled sobriquet Shihu jushi [Stone Lake Layman]) was a famous poet of the Southern Song. In terms of calligraphy, he is compared to “Yuhu Layman” (Zhang Xiaoxiang), which is why they are called the “Two Hu’s.” Both were “quite studied in the [ancient] treasures of the Jin (dynasty), each developing their own styles.” Fan ranks as an important poet and calligrapher of the middle Southern Song. This letter on ornamental paper impressed with a pattern of lions playing with balls was written in 1190 for a friend named Gong Yangzheng, the contents revealing Fan’s associations in painting and calligraphy. Fan had composed “Preface for Poetry of the Gusu Tongnian Society” for Yuan Yueyou and others, which reminded him of Zhang Xiaoxiang, who had passed the Presented Scholar (jinshi) examinations in the same year as he did but had already died somewhat earlier. The letter also mentions with bitterness how lesser poets at the time would ask for Fan’s poetry and benefit financially, showing how common it was for them to make a living in this way.(20101015)&*1.侯怡利,〈致養正廟監奉議尺牘〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁392-393。