石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁504&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁197&*仇英(約西元一四九四至一五五二年)作品見於正德己巳至嘉靖壬子間,垂四十餘年。太倉人,字實父,號十洲。曾作漆工,其師周臣異而教之,後遂成名。畫精麗秀勁,為明四大家之一。 畫無款印,當出鑒藏者所定。竹樹雙鉤,人物俊秀。澗水用筆極生動,而清流遠引,曲折玲瓏,皆仇畫之出色當行者也。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Ch'iu Ying was a native of Kiangsu. Born of humble circumstances, he once served as a lacquer craftsman. The painter Chou Ch'en recognized his unusual ability and took him as a pupil. Ch'iu Ying later was able to achieve his own fame. His painting style is precise and elegant, the brushwork vigorous yet refined. The exact dates of the painter's birth and death remain unknown, but his works date between the forty-year period of 1509-1552. Though this album leaf is not signed nor sealed by the artist, its attribution has been authenticated. The bamboo and trees have been rendered first by contouring, with color applied later. The figures are espedially handsome.&*1.本社,〈明仇英竹下聽泉〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第53期(1987年8月),封底裡。