石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁504&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁197&*姚綬(西元一四二三至一四九五年)嘉興人。字公綬,號穀庵子,又號雲東逸史。官至永寧郡守。工詩,著雲東集。畫師元人。 枯枝叢竹間,紙損去大部,畫為後人全補,黃鶯則出於姚手也。此鳥兩翅一伸一斂,首微昂,背不可見,唯可見其腹部。蓋鳥飛甚速,忽見叢竹,急驟之間,突出翻飛而下,故其狀若此。此不僅能寫鳥之形態,兼且得鳥之性情矣。此幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Yao Shou was a native of Chekiang and served as an official. One of his sobriquets was Yün-tung i-shih. He excelled at poetry and his collected poems may be found in Yun-tung chi. In painting he modeled his works after those of the Yüan masters. A large portion of the present painting suffered damage and has subsequently been repaired. Only the bird has been executed by the painter himself. The spring oriole, with one wing outstretched, has suddenly spotted some bamboo and arrests his flight. This explanation perhaps accounts for the bird's strange position, which the has managed to capture so skillfully.