石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁504&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁197&*吳鎮(西元一二八○至一三五四年)嘉興魏塘人。字仲圭,號梅花道人,又嘗自署梅沙彌。博學多聞,藐薄榮利。畫師巨然而能自闢畦逕。 此幅成於至正二年(西元一三四二年),先生六十三歲作。小溪回曲,林蔭深濃。筆蒼勁而渾,墨層沓而清。蓋以紙膚駁蝕,特覺別有一種古趣。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Wu Chen, a nation of Chekiang, is also known by his sobriquet Mei-hua tao-jen. An eccentric of wide learning, he spurned worldly pursuits to lead the life of a recluse. Wu Chen took the works of Chü-jan as his model, and was able to establish a distinct personal style. This painting, dated 1342, was executed when the artist was sixty-three. A winding brook and a grove thick with shadows complete the scene. The moist washes, soaked up greedily by the paper, lie in transparent layers; brushwork is thick and firm. All produce a unique feeling of antiqueness.