石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁504&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁197&*朱德潤(西元一二九四至一三六五),睢陽人,著籍於吳,遷崑山。字澤民。山水學郭熙,其蒼潤清逸,在子久叔明之間。亦善人物。 重岡桀聳,疊瀑雲連。用筆如快刀斫陣,烘染如春山吐雲,蓋畫法中所謂大膽落筆小心收拾者也。汀洲衰柳,泊岸叢桅。筆如作篆,圓渾而有生澀之趣。山水家於此蓋深有三昧焉。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Hu te-jun was a native of Sui-yang, Honan. His style name Tse-ming, In landscape he studied the work of Kuo Hsi. The rich moistness of his paintings relates to the work of Huang Kung-wang and Wang Meng. Chu Te-jun also excelled in painting figures. The painting depicts a waterfall, clouds and towering peaks. The artist's use of the brush has the strength of a sharp, slashing knife, revealing Chiu Te-jung's consummate mastery.