石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁504&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁197&*顧安,生卒年不詳。作品見於元至正己酉(西元一三四五年)至明洪武癸丑(一三七三)年間。淮東人,字定之。工書,善畫竹。用筆遒勁,風梢雲幹,揮灑入神。本幅成於至正乙巳(一三六五)。 定之寫風竹,則風葉婀娜,秀勁中有溫婉之意。此為「名畫琳瑯」冊第三幅,畫新篁出枝,勁挺如鐵,葉亦剛直,似聞錚錚相戛之聲。寫石用快筆作飛白,遂覺清勁滿紙,雅逸絕倫。&*Though the birth and death dates for Ku An are unknown, his works date from 1345 to 1373. A native of Huai-tung, he was good at calligraphy and excelled at painting bamboo. His exquisite control of the brush allowed him to convey bamboo in a convincing and lively way. This work is from 1365. In this painting of bamboo in the wind, the leaves are particularly graceful as they brace against the wind. This is the 3rd leaf from the album Precious Gems of Famous Paintings. The new sprouts are as strong as steel and the leaves tough and straight-almost like criss-crossing lances. The rock outlines were done in fast "flying –white" strokes to reveal the bland paper below. Elegance and strength fill the work for an exceptional sense of refinement.&*顧安,生卒年不詳。作品見於元至正己酉(西元一三四五年)至明洪武癸丑(西元一三七三年)間。淮東人,字定之。工書,善畫竹。 顧安畫竹,用筆遒勁,此畫新篁出枝,勁挺如鐵,葉亦剛直如劍,完全是一種力道的表現。又配上用快筆飛白所畫的石,更添勁健之感。此為「名畫琳瑯」冊第三幅。&*The works of Ku An, whose birth and death dates are unknown, are dated from 1345 to 1373. A native of Huai-tung, he was gifted at calligraphy and excelled at painting bamboo. Ku An's use of the brush in painting bamboo was quite strong. In this painting of new shoots, they appear strong and upright like slivers of steel, and the leaves are as straight and sharp as sword blades. It is a complete expression of the force and power given to this tender subject through the artist's brushwork. Combined with the stone done in quick "flying-white" strokes (which are broken apart), they add even more to the sense of strength suggested here. This is the third leaf from the album "Gems of Famous Paintings".