石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁460 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁219 &*1.何炎泉,〈徐鉉尺牘(私誠帖)〉,收入林柏亭主編,《大觀- 北宋書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2006年初版一刷),頁451- 454。 &*徐鉉(916-991)五代宋初文字學家、書法家。字鼎臣,廣陵(今江蘇揚州)人。初仕南唐,入宋累官散騎常恃。與韓熙載齊名江東,稱「韓徐」。精小學及篆隸,師法李陽冰和秦《嶧山碑》,點畫有法,精熟純正。清代馮武《書法正傳》稱其:「善小篆,映日視之,畫之中心,一縷濃墨,正當其中,至於曲折處,亦當中,無有偏側;乃筆鋒直下不側,故鋒常在畫中。」嘗受詔校《說文解字》,世稱「大徐本」;曾奉敕參與編集《文苑英華》。著有《徐公文集》等。&*徐鉉(916-991),字鼎臣,廣陵(今江蘇揚州)人,初仕南唐,入宋累官散騎常侍,與韓熙載齊名江東,稱「韓徐」。精通小學及篆隸,嘗受詔校《說文解字》,篆書師法李陽冰,點劃有法。此作行筆流暢,線條豐腴有致,氣息近顏真卿、徐浩。然用筆上也可見〈集王聖教序〉的遺緒,與晚唐以來盛行的「院體」書風有關。此札不僅反映唐末五代的書法風尚,也保存宋初的文人書寫樣貌。(20061206)&*Hsü Hsüan, style name Ting-ch'en, was a native of Kuang-ling (modern Yangchow, Kiangsu). Hsü’s career as an official started in the Southern T'ang, and in the Sung dynasty he served up to the post of Gentleman Cavalier Attendant. As renowned as Han Hsi-tsai east of the Yangtze, they were known together as “Han and Hsü”. Thoroughly studied in the elementary learning as well as seal and clerical script calligraphy, Hsü Hsüan was also summoned to edit the ancient text Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters. In seal script, he followed the methods of Li Yang-ping with regulated dots and strokes. The brush movement in this work of running script is flowing and the lines varied between thick and thin for a manner resembling that of Yen Chen-ch'ing and Hsü Hao. Furthermore, in terms of the brushwork, one can also observe the tradition of “Preface to the Sacred Teaching Using Wang Hsi-chih Characters”, being related to the “academic style” of calligraphy in vogue from the late T’ang. This letter not only reflects calligraphic trends during the late T'ang and Five Dynasties period, it also preserves the appearance of literati calligraphy in the early Sung dynasty.(20061206)