故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁256 &*畫喬木紅葉,一陣風揚起,樹枝搖蕩,落葉猶見飄滿地上。一僧一道一士,石橋左方相擁話別,慧遠居中與陸修靜相互擁別,淵明以雙手拉慧遠。三人仰頭,縱情大笑,造形尤其少見,左右兩旁男僕等候。右方曲澗流水,上覆板橋,意指「虎溪」。布局為左右往中斜下,形成兩個一角的組合。這是南宋人喜愛的布局。畫樹幹、樹葉,用筆勁銳,山石皴法以小斧劈,靈動處與畫面風動之情境,完全契合,設色罩染,以丹砂、石綠。遠處煙霧,淡彩層層渲染,迷漫一片秋意。人物衣紋,描法如折蘆葉而細長,技法處處老到,的是一幅好南宋 畫。喬木露根,樹幹樛曲,筆意造形,也均是南宋李唐、蕭照一系風格。虎從風,虎嘯而風起,是以畫中以風為背景,可見畫家用心處,無微不至。按「虎溪三笑」故事出於〈廬山記〉﹕「慧遠法師廬山阜三十餘年,影不出山,跡不入俗。送客過虎溪,虎輒鳴號。昔陶元亮(淵明)居栗里,山南陸修靜,亦有道之士。遠師嘗送此二人,與語道合,不覺過之,因相大笑。」(註1 )這是傳說中的故事,(註2 )宋人調和儒釋道三家於一體,並為畫家採取入畫。(註3 )(王耀庭) 註1:陳舜俞,《廬山記》(台北:商務印書館,1973影印四庫全書本)卷二頁八下。 註2:陶宗儀,《輟耕錄》(武進陶湘逸園刊本,1923)卷三十頁一四下。 註3:關於蓮社的辨誤。見湯用彤《漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教史》上冊(新店:彌勒出版社, 1982)頁366--371。又方立天《慧遠及其佛學》(北京:中國人民大學,1984),&*設色畫虎溪三笑故事。「廬山記」云:「遠法師居廬阜三十餘年,影不出山,跡不入俗。送客過虎溪,虎輒鳴號。昔陶元亮居栗里,山南陸修靜,亦有道之士。遠師嘗送此二人,與語道合,不覺過之,因相與大笑。」但元末陶宗儀著「輟耕錄」,引趙彥通語,謂慧遠不與陸修靜同時代。陸修靜於元嘉(四二四-四五三)末年始到廬山,時慧遠亡已三十餘年,淵明亦二十餘年,是此為訛傳故事。 本幅畫三人仰頭大笑,兩旁紅葉,曲澗流水,無不精整,確是宋畫佳作。本幅選自「藝林集玉」冊第一幅。&*Along a winding stream bordered by vermilion-tinted trees stand three men, their heads thrown back in loud laughter. The fine execution of this, the first a1bum leaf from the album I-lin chi-Yü, indicates that it is a work of the Sung period. The scene illustrates an anecdote from the Annals of Mount Lu that reads as follows: "Dharma Master【Hui-】Yüan had lived on Mount Lu for over thirty years and not once had his shadow leave the mountain; nor had he any contact with the mundane world. Now if in seeing guests off he ever went as far as crossing Tiger Creek, the tigers would all roar. Once T'ao Yüan-liang【Yüan-ming】of Li-li and Lu Hsiu-ching of Nan-shan, both men of theTao,【came to see him】. Master Hui, when sending them off, was so engrossed in conversation that without realizing it he crossed the creek. At this they all laughed heartily." This story, however, is problematic. The late Yüan dynasty (1279-1368) writer T'ao Tsung-i, in his book A Rest from Ploughing, quotes a certain ChaoYen-t'ung, who says that Hui-yüan and Lu were not contemporaries. Lu first went to Mount Lu when Hui-yüan had already been dead for over thirty years, and T'ao Yüan-ming, for twenty.&*1.王耀庭,〈宋人虎溪三笑圖〉,收入王耀庭編,《淵明逸致特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年初版),頁96。 2.王耀庭,〈宋人虎溪三笑〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《宋代書畫冊頁名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁270-271。 3.王耀庭,〈「七十件書畫冊頁名品特展」精選(四) — 宋人虎溪三笑〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第149期(1995年8月),頁60-63。 4.王耀庭,〈帝國的回憶 國立故宮博物院瑰寶赴法展專輯一 — 無款虎溪三笑〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第185期(1998年8月),頁54-55。