石渠寶笈初編(御書房),上冊,頁502 &*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁133&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十四冊,頁142-145&* 惲壽平(西元一六三三-一六九○年),江蘇人。初名格,後以字行。又字正叔,號南田。詩文為毘陵六逸之首。畫與清四家相埒,合稱四王吳惲。畫初學山水,後自覺無力與王翬爭勝,乃專攻花卉,以徐崇嗣沒骨法參己意,別具風格,成為清代花卉畫宗師。畫荷出於翠蓋之上,以濕乾筆交暈出團葉,略加齊整筋脈,並渲染畫面,襯托出濛瀧雨意中,荷之輕盈嬌斜。本幅為「寫生墨妙」冊第五幅。&*Fragrant Lotus in Rain Yun Shou-p’ing (1633-1690) Ch’ing Dynasty In poetry and literature, Yun Shou-p’ing was known as one of the Six Talents of P’i-ling and a master in early Ch’ing painting. He early studied landscape painting, but felt that he could not compete with masters of the time. He thus specialized in flower painting, adapting the “boneless” wash method of Hsu Ch’ung-ssu to create a new style and become one of the premier flower painters of the Ch’ing. Here, blossoms emerge from the canopy of leaves. Dry and wet strokes interact to delineate the leaves. Steady lines for the veins add stability to the ink washes, giving the effect of lotuses in the rain bending with elegance. This is the 5th leaf from the album Wondrous Sketches in Ink.