石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁787&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁52&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁405-412&* 唐太宗起文學館,收聘賢才。以杜如晦、房玄齡、于志寧、蘇世長、薛收、褚亮、姚思廉、陸明德、孔穎達、李道玄、李守素、虞世南、蔡允恭、顏相時、許敬宗、薛元敬、蓋文達、蘇勖等十八人,並為學士。旋收卒,復召劉孝孫補之。嘗命閻立本圖像,褚亮為贊。後人仿作者甚多。此卷成於乾隆辛酉年(一七四一)十二月,孫、周、丁三名宮廷畫師奉制合筆。設色穠艷,追摹光影,已受西法影響。&* When the T’ang emperor T’ai-tsung (r.627-649) established the Academy of Learning, and he invited 18 talented scholars to serve there. The famous T’ang artist Yen Li-pen (ca. 600-674) was commissioned to depict them and Chu Liang wrote an encomium listing their names and ranks. Later artists often made copies of Yen’s version. This painting was done in the 12th lunar month of 1741 by Sun Hu, Chou K’un, and Ting Kuan-p’eng, who served as court artists under the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1795). The coloring is vibrant, while the shading here already reflects the influence of Western techniques.