石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁180 &*虞允文(1110-1174),字彬父,亦作彬甫,隆州(今四川省)仁壽人。於紹興三十一年的采石之戰,大敗金軍,阻止金人南侵。出入將相二十年,多薦知名士,又頗有文采。 本件內容為虞允文贈與友人數件生辰壽禮,物品皆產自四川。除了中藥外,包括蜀墨、麥光箋等文房用具,還有文同畫竹石圖軸,及蜀善本書,雖是一般的饋贈,可看出宋人生活精緻考究的一面。書法結體雍容寬綽,極具個人特色,筆致含蓄,情趣天成。(20101015)&* Yu Yunwen (style name Binfu) was a native of Renshou in Longzhou (modern Sichuan Province). In 1161, at the Battle of Caishi, he defeated the Jin dynasty armies and prevented the enemy from advancing southward. As a minister or a general for twenty years, he was able to recommend many famous scholars and also gifted in the literary arts as well. The contents of this note mention several birthday gifts from Yu Yunwen to a friend, all of them being local products of Sichuan. In addition to herbal medicine, the presents included objects of the scholar’s studio, such as Sichuan ink and ornamental glossy paper. There was also a painting of bamboo and rocks by the famous Northern Song scholar Wen Tong and rare books from Sichuan. Although perhaps just an ordinary gift, it reflects the attention placed on a life of refinement among scholars in the Song dynasty. The character forms in the calligraphy here are dignified and expansive, much in a personal style with introverted brushwork expressing an innate temperament.(20101015)&*1.侯怡利,〈書劄子〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁391-392。