石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第三冊,頁1270&故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁51&故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁235-238&艾啟蒙(Ignatius Sichelbarth,1708-1780)波希米亞(今捷克)人,一七三六年入耶穌會。乾隆十年(1745)奉旨進京,最初僅在養心殿造辦處畫畫行走,後入值如意館,受業於郎世寧。艾氏擅長人物肖像、鳥獸,畫法與郎氏相近,乾隆二十七年(1762)與郎氏、王致誠(Jean Denis Attiret,1702-1768)同繪「得勝圖」銅版畫稿。 三十二年(1767)以精於繪事,授以奉宸苑卿。七十壽辰乾隆帝賜綢六匹,御賜「海國耆齡」匾額。四十五年(1780)卒於北京,依郎世寧之例,贈侍郎銜。 圖中描寫塞外風光,滿山遍野丹楓、黃葉與綠松。群鹿遨遊於坡陀林川之間,或低頭吃草,或群飲於湖畔,或行走,或游水,或跪臥憩息,或奔跑,抵角而鬥。畫中所繪麋鹿亦稱梅鹿,百有多義,鹿與「祿」諧音同,為吉祥祝壽之意。繪鹿毛利用西洋技法色彩明暗層次表現質感,鹿腳輪廓筆調較為柔弱。由風格來看,群鹿出自艾氏之手,而山水樹石則為中國宮廷畫家所作,屬於「中西合璧」合筆之作。艾啟蒙存世作品本院共有十張。(林莉娜) & 艾啟蒙(西元一七0八至一七八0)字醒菴,波西米亞人,乾隆十年入如意館,與朗世寧王致誠同為畫院供奉。善畫,尤工翎毛,賜三品銜。曠野霜林,坡陀平衍,百鹿遨遊。或低頭囓草,或悠然憩息,或競渡於水中,或群飲於湖畔,或錯愕而奔,或抵角而鬭,跪臥仰鳴,百態悉備,而無不生動。& Ignace Sichelbart was a Bohemian Jesuit, who was given the Chinese name Ai Ch’i-meng, style name Hsing-an. From 1746 onwards he was employed by the emperor as a painter in the Ju-i-kuan section of the palace. He worked with Giuseppe Castiglione, Louis de Poirot and others. Especially good at painting birds and animals, he was given a third rank title. A hundred deer wander through forests over frosty wilds. They nibble at the grass or rest awhile; struggle across rivers or drink together at a lake-edge; stampede in a herd or lock horns in combat; they kneel down or raise their heads to call. They appear in every possible attitude and are everyone of them lifelike.