石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第三冊,頁1232&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁49&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁395-398&*錢維城(西元一七二○-一七七二年),字宗盤,號幼庵,江蘇常州人。乾隆十年〈一七四五〉狀元,繪畫遠學元四家,近學四王,得董邦達指點,入值南書房。 此幅圖像呈現乾隆御製詩「雪中坐冰床即景」,以縝密的筆觸,描繪冬日裡,侍衛推挽乾隆乘坐的黃幄冰床,緩緩越過西苑太液池的景象,在冰封大地、細雪紛飛的白色詩意裡,以細小的點景人物,襯托寬廣湖面及兩岸御苑房舍。(20110405)&*Qian Weicheng (style name Zongpan, sobriquet You’an), a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu, came in first place in the civil service exams of 1745. In painting, he looked back to the Four Yuan Masters and more recently in his day to the Four Wangs of the Qing. Receiving instruction from Dong Bangda, he also entered the Southern Studio at court. This work illustrates a poem by the Qianlong Emperor. With meticulous brushwork, it depicts the imperial bodyguard pushing and pulling a yellow ice-sled tent on which Qianlong rides, slowly making their way across the lake Taiye of the Western Gardens. In the white lyricism of this ice-bound land and light flying snow, figures dot the landscape set off against the wide frozen lake and imperial buildings on the banks. (20110405)&*銭維城(1720-1772)、字は宗盤、号は幼庵、江蘇常州の人。乾隆10年(1745)に状元となった。絵画は古くは元四家を、新しくは四王を学び、董邦達の指導を受けた。南書房に席を置いた。 本作には、乾隆帝御製詩「雪中坐冰床即景」に描写される冬の風景─護衛が乾隆帝の乗った黄色い垂れ幕に覆われた冰床(そり)を引き、西苑内の太液池をゆっくりと越える様子が緻密な筆遣いで描かれている。凍てついた大地と粉雪が舞う純白の詩意の内に細かな人物が描き込まれ、広々とした湖面と両岸の庭園や建物がよく映えている。 (20110405)