石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁874-875&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁9-11&*故宮歷代法書全集,第一冊,頁47-52、169&*褚遂良(西元五九六-六五九年),浙江錢塘人。字登善。博學文史,工楷隸。虞世南死後,太宗嘗歎無人可與論書者,魏徵遂薦遂良,官至尚書右僕射。其書法由虞世南入手,上溯王羲之,工力精深,特以行書為勝。 褚書以研媚著稱,書體流暢的韻律感,唐張懷瓘評褚遂良之書如美女嬋娟,不勝羅綺,讚其書體溫雅美麗,用筆則疏瘦勁鍊,此帖雖為後人臨摹但亦可為褚書之代表。(20091015) &* Chu Suiliang (native to Qiantang, Zhejiang) had the style name Dengshan. Learned in literature and history, he was good at standard and clerical script. After Yu Shinan passed away, Emperor Taizong exclaimed he had no one to discuss calligraphy with, so he summoned Chu, who rose to the rank of Right Imperial Secretariat. His style began with that of Yu Shinan, but he also went back to Wang Xizhi, working diligently to excel at running script. Calligraphy is known as beautiful writing, the strokes and characters having a rhythmic flow. In the Tang dynasty, Zhang Huaikan said that Chu’s calligraphy is as attractive as a beautiful woman, praising his style as elegant with brushwork thin yet powerful. Though this is a copy by Chu, it still represents his style.(20091015)