石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁178-180 &*1.王耀庭,〈司馬光跋語〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《宋代書畫冊頁名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁238-239。 2.何傳馨,〈「七十件書畫冊頁名品特展」精選(三) — 司馬光跋語〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第148期(1995年7月),頁66-67。 &*司馬光(西元1019-1086年)字君實,號溫公,陝州夏縣人。寶元元年(1083)進士,歷仕仁、英、神、哲宗四朝。神宗元豐年間,撰《資治通鑑》二百九十四卷。哲宗立,拜尚書右僕射,在相位八月而卒。為北宋名臣與史學家。 元豐二年(1079)司馬光官西京御史臺,閒居在洛陽,友人陳師道以祖父陳洎五十年前所書詩稿相示,書此跋。書法瘦勁方正,似其忠直端謹的個性。本幅選自「宋人法書冊一」第六幅。&*Ssu-ma Kuang(style name Chün-shih; sobriqet Wen-Kung)was a native of Hsia-hsien, Shan-chou. He received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1038, and he served the court spanning the reigns of Emperors Jen-tsung, Shen-tsung, and Che-tsung(1023-1100). In the Yüan-feng era(1078-1085)of shen-tsung's reign, Ssu-ma wrote The Mirror to the Aid in Government, composed of 294 chüan. When Che-tsung(r.1086-1100)assumed the throne, Ssu-ma was promoted to the rank of Senior Military Vice-Director. After only eight months, however, he passed away. He was one of the most famous officials and admired historians of the Northern Sung(960-1126). In 1079, Ssu-ma assumed the post of Auxiliary Censorate of the Western Capital at Loyang. In his Leisure, his friend Ch'en shih-tao would take out and show him drafts of poems written some fifty years earlier by his grandfather, Ch'en Chi. This work is a colophon written for one of these poems. The calligraphy is thin, powerful, square, and upright, being quite similar to Ssu-ma's upright and loyal character. This is the sixth leaf from the album Sung-jen fa-shu I