石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁178-180&*富弼(西元一ΟΟ四∼一Ο八三年)字彥國,河南洛陽人。年二十七舉茂材異等,授將作監丞。慶曆年間出使契丹,至和二年(西元一Ο五五年)與文彥博並相,後因王安石用事,稱疾求退。此信寫予蔡襄(西元年一Ο一二∼一Ο六七年),為求功德寺題。此信稱「永叔」(歐陽修)方為執政,推測書寫時間當在嘉祐六年(西元一Ο六一年)秋季。本幅選自《宋人法書冊》。(20100711)&* Fu Bi (style name Yan’guo) was a native of Luoyang, Henan. At the age of 27, he achieved outstanding results in the civil service examinations, so he was awarded the position of Supervisor. During the Qingli era (1041-1048), he served as an envoy to the Khitan, and in 1055 became Prime Minister at the same time with Wen Yanbo. Later, when Wang Anshi came to power, Fu Bi sought retirement by claiming illness. This letter was written to Cai Xiang (1012-1067), asking for a donation of his services for a temple. This letter refers to when Ouyang Xiu was in office, suggesting it was written in the autumn of 1061. This leaf is from “Album of Song Calligraphy.”(20100711)