石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1095&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁1095&*思宗(西元一六二八-一六四三年在位),明光宗第五子,名由檢。在位十六年,年號崇禎,清乾隆時,諡為莊烈帝。 思宗書不常見,傳其草書秀潤娟好。此大楷書九思二字,用墨濃麗,下筆遒勁有法度,似學唐顏真卿書。&*Emperor Ssu-tsung was the fifth son of the Emperor Kuang-tsung (r. 1620). His name was Yu-chien and he reigned for sixteen years, giving the name Ch'ung-chen to his reign period. During the Ch'ien-lung period (1736-1795) of the Ch'ing dynasty he was given the posthumous title "Chung-lieh." Very little of Emperor Ssu-tsung's calligraphy is seen today but it is said that he possessed an elegant and graceful style. These two characters "Chiu Ssu" of the large standard script are well controlled with a lustrous dark ink color, in some degree resembling the work of the T'ang master Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-784).