石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3110&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁10-11&*文徵明(西元一四七0-一五五九年),長洲(今江蘇蘇州)人。初名壁,字徵明,後來多用此字為名。又字徵仲,號停雲生、衡山居士。精通詩文、書畫,是明四大家之一。 文徵明的書法主要是從王羲之、王獻之入手,大字則是以黃庭堅為典範。本幅全長三四三.八公分,字大二十五公分,是文徵明書蹟中少見的大幅作品。全作筆法放縱恣肆,富於變化,毫不造作,可見他書學涵養的深厚。&*Wen Ching-ming, a native jof Kiangsu, was a master poet, writer, painter, and calligrapher of his day. His fame equaled that of Tung Ch'i-ch'ang. Wen modeled his small-character calligraphy (characters an inch or less in height) on that of Wang Hsi-chih and son Wang Hsien-chih. For Wen's large characters, he drew on the style of Huang T'ing-chien, developing a freedom of expression that allowed him to expand his repertoire further. Each character in this scroll, which is 343.8 cm long, is approximately 25 cm tall. The large size of the characters, however, still reveals the finesse of the artist's brushwork, the caliber of which is usually seen only in his smaller pieces. Works of this size by Wen Cheng-ming are extremely rare.