石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁640&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁16-17&*本幅為行楷書唐劉禹錫謝春衣表。董其昌一生學書。除潛心於顏。徐。米。趙外。對於其他大家。亦是遇書即臨學。故平日自娛。或為他人寫字。不規規於某人某家。獨能自具風格。本幅行間佈墨。極其舒暢。而字帶有顏真卿之筆法。又略具趙孟頫之姿態。故極自然秀雅。&*This piece is in semi-cursive script. The principal models for Tung Ch'I-ch'ang's calligraphy were Yen Chen-ch'ing, Hsu Hao, Mi Fei, and Chao Meng-fu; however, whenever he chanced upon good calligraphy by another master he would not fail to imitate it. Whether he was writing for his own enjoyment of for other people, he did not bind himself too rigidly to the past, but established his individual style. The calligraphy of this piece is relaxed and fluent, with a touch of Yen Chen-ch'ing's brushwork and Chao Meng-fu's manners. It does not lack his natural elegance.