石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1093&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁5&*宋克(西元一三二七-一三八七年),江蘇蘇州人。字仲溫,號南宮生。年少性情豪放不羈,日久生厭而下決心閉門習書,日費千紙,終以善書名聞天下。其書出魏晉,深得鍾繇、王羲之筆法,又精研皇象急就章,將章草之質樸凝重改為放逸古雅,後世謂其書體法一變,脫盡元人風氣。為雲間書派開山祖師。此軸章草縱逸,隸書波磔用筆明顯,古雅雋秀。&*Sung K'o, a native of Soochow, had a reputation for being unbridled as a youth. When the pressure of daily life caught up, he decided to shut himself off from the world and practice calligraphy, reportedly using up to a thousand sheets of paper a day. He then achieved fame as a calligrapher. His style derives from those of the Wei and Chin, achieving the manners of Chung Yu and Wang Hsi-chih. He also excelled at the Model Essay for Draft Cursive, instilling an archaic yet unrestrained elegance to this script. Later critics wrote that he shook off the style of Yuan calligraphers. He is considered the founder of the Yun-chien school. The draft cursive here still retains the vestiges of clerical script for an archaic yet elegant style.&*宋克(1327-1378),江蘇蘇州人。字仲溫,號南宮生。年少性情豪放不羈,日久生厭而下決心閉門習書,日費千紙,終以善書名聞天下。其書出魏晉,深得鍾繇、王羲之筆法,又精研皇象急就章,將章草之質樸凝重改為放逸古雅,後世謂其書體法一變,脫盡元人風氣。此軸章草書筆法縱逸,波磔有隸意,顯現古雅雋秀之意。(20110913)&*Song Ke (style name Zhongwen, sobriquet Nangongsheng), a native of Suzhou in Jiangsu, had a reputation for being unbridled in his youth. When the pressure of daily life caught up, he decided to shut himself off from the world and practice calligraphy, reportedly using up to a thousand sheets of paper a day. He then finally achieved fame as a calligrapher. His style derives from those of the Wei and Jin, achieving the manners of Zhong You and Wang Xizhi. He also excelled at the “Model Essay for Draft Cursive,” instilling an archaic yet unrestrained elegance to this script. Later critics wrote that he shook off the style of Yuan calligraphers. The draft cursive here still is unrestrained, the wave-like vestiges of clerical script still evident for an archaic yet elegant style.(20110913)