石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1688&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁259&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁120-154、184-189&*郭畀(西元一二八0-一三三五年),字天錫,號北山。江蘇丹徒人。工書畫,書法出入趙孟頫,喜與方外之士遊。 此幅字體看似大小不一,而草、楷書體雜間,然用筆以側取妍,行筆幹練爽健,結體密實,字形多寬扁,呈左低右高態勢,卻也章法整然,氣勢通貫。選自「元人舊蹟」冊。 &*Kuo Pi, a native of Kiangsu, excelled at painting and calligraphy. His style of calligraphy derives from that of Chao Meng-fu and he enjoyed traveling with scholar-friends. The size of the characters in this work is quite varied and the script ranges from cursive to standard. The brushwork is somewhat angled for a sense of beauty. The brushwork is mature and strong, while the structure is often dense and the arrangement of characters expanding from one side to the other. The composition, however, is still quite orderly and the spirit flows with ease. This is from the album Traces by Yüan Calligraphers.