石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1688&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁259&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁120-154、184-189 &*楊維楨(楊維禎,1296-1370),字廉夫,號鐵崖,浙江諸暨人。元泰定四年(1327)進士,為人耿直清高,曾遭陷免官。中年後遊居蘇杭一帶,與黃公望等文人交情甚篤,為雲間書派發展初期的主導人物之一。 本幅寫給鄞縣縣尹阮申之(字理齋)。阮氏請廉夫為文,託伯融攜信與潤筆費來訪,故楊氏回信以表謝意。此幀字形變化多端、行距緊密,筆畫間的轉折較為圓轉,為楊氏晚年佳作。(20110609)&*Yang Weizhen (style name Lianfu, sobriquet Tieyai), a native of Shaoxing in Zhuji, was a Presented Scholar of 1327. Lofty and upright by nature, he fell victim to entrapment and was relieved of office. From his middle years onwards, he lived and traveled in the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas, developing close friendships with such literati as Huang Gongwang and becoming one of the leading figures in the early Yunjian School of calligraphy. This letter was written to Yin County Magistrate Ruan Shenzhi (style name Lizhai). Ruan had asked Yang Weizhen to compose a text and entrusted Borong to bring a letter and the writing fee, for which Yang wrote back to express his gratitude. Many variations to the character forms appear in this letter, and the line spacing is dense. The transitions between the brush strokes are more rounded in this excellent work of Yang’s later years.(20110609)&*1.陳昱全,〈元楊維楨致理齋明府相公尺牘〉,收入何傳馨主編,《山水合璧:黃公望與富春山居圖特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),頁332。