石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁712-714&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),頁252-253&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁68-91、173-179&* In 1328, the Mongol Yuan emperor Wenzong established the Kuizhang Pavilion for translating Chinese texts and organizing activities related to the imperial art collection. Ke Jiusi was ordered to serve as its Doctor of Connoisseurship in Calligraphy. This work is an endpiece with colophons for a painting by the Tang artist Hu Qian entitled Drawing Water in a Foreign Tribe. These inscriptions were written by Ke Jiusi, Yu Ji, Li Jiong, and Jie Xisi. Correlating the titles in the signatures with the careers of these 4 figures, this endpiece was done around 1330 to 1331. The 4 were also important literati-calligraphers of the middle Yuan. This work reflects various calligraphy styles and is also important evidence for art activities at the Kuizhang Pavilion.(20110101)&*元文宗天曆二年(西元一三二八年),元文宗設奎章閣,從事漢籍翻譯與書畫收藏等文化活動,並任命柯九思為鑒書博士。此件即為當時奎章閣所收〈唐胡虔汲水蕃部圖〉跋尾,分別由柯九思、虞集、李泂、揭傒斯所書,由跋文中所書官銜,並四人遷轉來看,約寫於至順元年(一三三○)到至順二年間。又四人皆為元代中期重要文人及書法家,由此可見其各別書風,也是元文宗奎章閣鑒藏書畫的另一佐證。(20110101)