石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2556-2559&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁240-244&*柯九思。西元一三一二至一三六五。臺州人。字敬仲。號丹丘先生。元文宗置奎章閣。特授學士院鑒書博士。博學能詩文。工書。並善墨林。亦擅山水。九思書仿唐歐陽詢父子。力求勁拔。本幅具此特點。&*K'o Chiu-ssu was a native of T'ai-chou, Chekiang. His style name was Ching-chung and his sobriquet Tan-ch'iu Sheng. He was well-versed in both poetry and prose, and served as keeper of the Khans Imperial collection of painting and calligraphy. He excelled in calligraphy and the rendering of ink bamboo as well as landscapes. K'o Chiu-ssu's calligraphy is modelled on that of the T'ang master Ou-yang Hsun and is characterized by tremendous strength as can be seen in this work.