石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁480&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁231&* 趙孟頫(西元一二五四-一三二二年),字子昂,號松雪道人。宋宗室後裔,入元後仕至翰林學士承旨。工書善畫,冠絕一時。中峰明本為元代高僧,時人敬重有加,子昂夫妻皆以弟子禮師事。此作為其往來尺牘之一,又稱「吳門帖」。筆法精熟而氣韻高古,寫來形聚神逸,瀟灑舒放,堪稱直入右軍之室。選自〈趙氏一門法書〉冊,右下有項元汴千字文第七六八「凋」字編號。&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十五冊,頁4-55、206-212&* Zhao Mengfu (style name Ziang, sobriquet Songxue daoren), a native of Huzhou, was a descendant of the Song imperial clan. He entered service under the Yuan and became a Reader-in-Attendance at the Hanlin Academy. He excelled at painting and calligraphy, being ranked as one of the leading artists in his day. Zhongfeng, a high monk of the Yuan dynasty, was also highly respected, and both Zhao and his wife took him as their master, hence the letters they wrote to him. The mature brushwork and lofty manner, as well as the spirited writing and casual appearance here, remind one at once of Wang Xizhi’s style. This work bears Xiang Yuanbian’s accession number “diao 凋,” the 768th character from the “Thousand Character Classic.”